May Chang
- New Age Composer of NARAS
- Voting Member of Grammy Awards
- Composer of California Opera House
- Composer / Music Producer of NGA Pictures
- CEO & Founder of Southern California Visual and Performing Arts Academy
- CEO & Founder of Southern California Visual & Performing Arts Educational Foundation
Composing music has become a part of May’s life for years, she started learning Piano since the age of 5. Some of May’s compositions include: several pieces in Classical , New Age & Ambient, such as Evanescence Of a Butterfly’s Dream, Counterclockwise Legend, Teardrop of Tulips, Dancing on the Cliff, Cactus in Grief, Mirage in Heaven, Wish, Reflections, Longing…….etc.
May is currently involved with research at CSPFA (Charter School Policy, Finance, and Administration) in UCLA. She also completed the CSML – Leading Change Program from Harvard Business School . Her goal is to develop V.P.A (VAPA) K12 schools for 2020-2021 school year in Southern California. She is also devoted to collaborating and developing VAPA programs/workshops/seminars in music for Private/Public Schools (K12), community programs such as Symphony Orchestras, Marching Band, Piano/Keyboard classes, Strings (Violin, viola, Cello)/Winds classes, Music appreciation.
May is also the consideration of 59th Grammy Awards and a Voting member of NARAS (National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences) since 2016. Her compositions was on the official ballot of 59th Grammy awards under the categories of “Best New Artist” , ” Best New Age Album” & ” Best Instrumental Composition”.
Her first album ” Evanescence of a Butterfly’s Dream” which released in June/2016 and second album “Reflections on the New Age ” which released in September/2017 is now globalized downloadable from iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Sound cloud, YouTube, Amazon, iMusic, CDBaby……etc.
Her second album is successfully submitted for the 2018 60th Grammy Awards in New Age Genre.
NGA Pictures作曲家/音乐制作人
目前,张梅正在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的CSPFA(特许学校政策、财务与管理)进行研究。她还完成了哈佛商学院的CSML – 变革领导项目。她的目标是在2020-2021学年在南加州发展视觉与表演艺术(VAPA)K12学校。她还致力于与私立/公立学校(K12)、社区项目(如交响乐团、行进乐队、钢琴/键盘班、小提琴/中提琴/大提琴/管乐班、音乐欣赏)合作,开发和推广VAPA项目、工作坊和研讨会。
她的首张专辑《蝴蝶梦的消逝》于2016年6月发行,第二张专辑《新时代的倒影》于2017年9月发行,现已可在全球各大平台下载,包括iTunes、iHeart Radio、Spotify、SoundCloud、YouTube、Amazon、iMusic、CDBaby等
May Chang
- New Age Composer of NARAS
- Voting Member of Grammy Awards
- Composer of California Opera House
- Composer / Music Producer of NGA Pictures
- CEO & Founder of Southern California Visual and Performing Arts Academy
- CEO & Founder of Southern California Visual & Performing Arts Educational Foundation
Composing music has become a part of May’s life for years, she started learning Piano since the age of 5. Some of May’s compositions include: several pieces in Classical , New Age & Ambient, such as Evanescence Of a Butterfly’s Dream, Counterclockwise Legend, Teardrop of Tulips, Dancing on the Cliff, Cactus in Grief, Mirage in Heaven, Wish, Reflections, Longing…….etc.
May is currently involved with research at CSPFA (Charter School Policy, Finance, and Administration) in UCLA. She also completed the CSML – Leading Change Program from Harvard Business School . Her goal is to develop V.P.A (VAPA) K12 schools for 2020-2021 school year in Southern California. She is also devoted to collaborating and developing VAPA programs/workshops/seminars in music for Private/Public Schools (K12), community programs such as Symphony Orchestras, Marching Band, Piano/Keyboard classes, Strings (Violin, viola, Cello)/Winds classes, Music appreciation.
May is also the consideration of 59th Grammy Awards and a Voting member of NARAS (National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences) since 2016. Her compositions was on the official ballot of 59th Grammy awards under the categories of “Best New Artist” , ” Best New Age Album” & ” Best Instrumental Composition”.
Her first album ” Evanescence of a Butterfly’s Dream” which released in June/2016 and second album “Reflections on the New Age ” which released in September/2017 is now globalized downloadable from iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Sound cloud, YouTube, Amazon, iMusic, CDBaby……etc.
Her second album is successfully submitted for the 2018 60th Grammy Awards in New Age Genre.
NGA Pictures作曲家/音乐制作人
目前,张梅正在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的CSPFA(特许学校政策、财务与管理)进行研究。她还完成了哈佛商学院的CSML – 变革领导项目。她的目标是在2020-2021学年在南加州发展视觉与表演艺术(VAPA)K12学校。她还致力于与私立/公立学校(K12)、社区项目(如交响乐团、行进乐队、钢琴/键盘班、小提琴/中提琴/大提琴/管乐班、音乐欣赏)合作,开发和推广VAPA项目、工作坊和研讨会。
她的首张专辑《蝴蝶梦的消逝》于2016年6月发行,第二张专辑《新时代的倒影》于2017年9月发行,现已可在全球各大平台下载,包括iTunes、iHeart Radio、Spotify、SoundCloud、YouTube、Amazon、iMusic、CDBaby等