Mark and Onya Sorensen are Paranormal Investigators, Multi-dimensional Channels, Psychics, Energy Healers and the Founders of The Accelerated Ascension Program. In 2021 they did paranormal investigation on Duane Olinger’s property in Amarillo, Texas. It is there they discovered Crystals in the ground that were vibrating at extremely high frequencies. Mark and Onya’s investigation proved to match exactly what Duane also had verified previously. These crystals are earth elements with Palonette and are actual parts of a spaceship that crashed on the land and crystalized upon impact. Tested and verified by The Unified Galactic Federation that they originated from the planet Trintin, approximately 130 light years away from earth. After this exciting adventure Mark and Onya went back home to their office in Sedona az. and decided to offer the public a weekly open house for participants to try of the crystal bed experience.
From their office in Sedona, Mark and Onya used applied kinesiology and Dr. Hawkins’ “Map of Consciousness” to measure the frequency of clients’ experiences with crystals. Over 3 months, they observed clients lying on a massage table with a tray of crystals beneath, while listening to meditative music for 10 minutes. The results were remarkable. Initially, after each crystal bed session, the clients’ personal everyday frequency increased by 200 to 500 hertz. When clients returned for a second and third session, their frequency had maintained the higher level from the last session and continued to rise in greater increments.
Participants reported a variety of experiences while using the crystal bed, including feeling tingling sensations, feeling relaxed, and having connections with extraterrestrial beings. Many described these beings as benevolent, standing 9 to 12 feet tall, with crystalline, sheer white forms. Participants said the beings provided them with messages and assisted with unique individual healings during the sessions. These beings who came to them are called Trintinians, originating from the planet Trintin.
Participants found this experience extremely inspiring, as they were able to raise their frequency permanently in only 10 minutes from interacting with the crystals on the bed. This is in contrast to the years of deep meditation and inner work usually required to achieve such results. According to Dr. Hawkins, a psychiatrist who attained enlightenment. He is noted to have written extensively on his research in this area whereby, most humans only rise about 20-30 hertz in their entire lifetime. After seeing these positive results, Duane was excited to work with Mark and Onya to create a business and make the crystals and the crystal bed available to the public!
Their next step was to close their brick-and-mortar office and they began showcasing the crystals at various fairs and expos. At these events, they shared the story of the crystals and offered people the opportunity to hold them, experiencing the gentle yet powerful frequency shift upon contact. For the next 2.5 years, they observed testimonies from people who interacted with and purchased the crystals. Over time, the consensus reported more profound synchronicities in their lives, leading to an easier, more flowing quality of life. People experienced physical, mental, and emotional breakthroughs. It was also discovered that when individuals wore the crystal daily as a pendant, the Trintinians would offer their presence and assist those with their lives in unique yet positive ways. Over the last few years it has been shown that peoples frequencies are now rising faster and even higher then in the beginning stages back in 2021.
Currently Mark and Onya offer “free crystal blessings” by placing crystals in people’s hands and measuring their frequency before and after. It has been shown this process can permanently raise the client’s consciousness in just 2 minutes. Mark and Onya also appear at special public events and host private “Ascension Gatherings” in people’s homes or offices for their friends, coworkers, and families. Additionally, there is a website,, where visitors can purchase Palonette crystalline products and view interviews with Mark and Onya about their experiences with these crystals and the Trintinians.
Palonette is an incredibly high-frequency crystal that is believed to bring about rapid changes and accelerate one’s ascension process. This crystal uplifts your frequency when you are in physical contact with it!
Palonette also enhances intuition, strengthens awareness, and clears energy fields. Making it the perfect crystal to explore higher timeline experiences!
- • Creates amazing life changes
- • Spiritual Evolution and Healing
- • Rapid and Gentle Transformation
- • Clears and Strengthens Energy Bodies
- • Multiplies Synchronicities
- • Spiritual Support
- • Raises frequencies of all living matter
Here is a variety of our products .
- Power Tower for clearing home office environment .
- Power Plates for charging drink food and plants !
- Clears emfs and raises frequencies up to 3000 feet
- Pendants , pet pendants , homeopathic elixirs.