Category: Award Nominee

Marlin McDarragh

I came from a modest-of-means family in Eugene, Oregon – one that couldn’t really afford much in the way of travel, and certainly not to countries abroad. Sure, we had the family road trips now and then to the Pacific coast, to visit relatives in central Oregon, and up to Seattle. I loved it all. But I think our most exotic trip when I as young was a family car journey to Banff. My mom has never been on an airplane, and the only travel my dad experienced was as a radio officer on a ship during WW II’s Pacific Theater. A harsh kind of travel experience, let’s say. It didn’t really seem that travel was in the family genes. However, I had a keen interest in collecting foreign coins, stamps and poring through National Geographic magazines and the World Book encyclopedia my folks invested in.

When I was 12, my dad won an 8mm camera – a booby prize at some local contest. I became fixated with that little camera, and started making short films. These were action-packed, shot-in-the-neighborhood tiny adventure stories, starring friends, like Gary Zenzen. I’d been playing piano since age 8 and I believe that background aided me in filmmaking, giving me a sense for the rhythms of editing films. Then I won an “Oregon Young Filmmaker” award and a couple of other prizes in high school, and a screening on the Oregon PBS channel, of a short I made, A Child’s Vision. There was no looking back from there.

My first foray outside of North America was when I was 16, as I played trombone, and my high school concert band managed to spend about eight weeks touring various cities in Europe. Fantastic. That was the lodestar first travel experience, the one that cast the die for the rest of my life. I always tell audiences at my travel-film lectures that they should get their kids and grandkids to travel now, when they’re young. If you travel when young, your curiosity about the world will stay with you for the rest of your life. My daughter Maya (22) has three passports (US, Japan, and Brazil), and has already been to about 30 countries, and I know that her thirst for knowledge and world experience will be with her forever.

Making travel-adventure films, documentaries, and feature films over the past many decades has given me a laser-like focus on “the project” at hand, on the specific productions I’ve been commissioned to make, or films that I’ve funded through private equity.

My wife Lin Zuo is also a producer and contributing writer on our films, and we both wish we had more time during productions to linger in the locations, and talk in more depth with the local people.

Other specific challenges I’ve had during productions. The physical challenges of getting myself, the crew and the equipment through the run of production in the swamps and forests of tribal lands in New Guinea.Sitting through dinners with cold-blooded assassins in the Tribal Zone of Pakistan, trying to bend your mind around the juxtaposition of the hospitality offered and the fact they’ve brutally killed dozens of people. Being knife-attacked in an open market by an old woman in China – never knew exactly why. And obviously, filmmaking draws a lot of attention! There have been significant challenges to film topics that might embarrass the dictates of certain strong-arm governments. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stopped or questioned or harassed by local authorities in communist, Muslim or dictator-driven countries.

Aidan Beni

“I believes that everything is possible, and if you love what you do, you will be great at it”. From a fashion student to a fashion professor, to a fashion designer Aidan graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2019. He is an artist and fashion designer who is inspired by many things around him as he designs and creates his vision. He has been inspired by fabrics, colors and even stories to begin a new design and bring it to life. Color choice is very important to him during the creative process as it usually reflects the idea and story behind the design itself. Going from sketching to fitting, fashioning fabric and adjusting a final look with small touches that only a designer’s eyes can grace to notice. His interests outside of fashion design include traveling, art, painting, drawing and music. Fashion has allowed Aidan to build and expand on his design thinking to let him not only find solutions in fashion but anything related to design and aesthetic.

” It changed my life to better understand why people wear what they wear, and how it changes over time.”




Sir Earl Toon

Whether you grew up with your daddy’s tunes from Kool & the Gang or discovered the soul-soothing sounds of hits like “Celebration” and “Ladies Night” through timeless classics, there’s no denying the irresistible charm of Sir Earl Toon’s music. With numerous Billboard Top 40 hits and a Grammy nomination under his belt, his music transcends generations and continues to resonate with fans worldwide.

From globe-trotting tours to honing his craft, Sir Earl Toon remains dedicated to delivering nothing but the best to his loyal fanbase. With a passion for entertaining and a commitment to keeping the beat alive, he promises an unforgettable experience for both ears and soul. So why hit pause on the music when the rhythm never stops? Keep grooving with Sir Earl Toon and let the melodies carry you to new heights!



Superstar Art Foundation

Welcome to Superstar Art Foundation

About Us

At the heart of the Superstar Art Foundation lies a collective of financial investors, media professionals, and passionate artists united by their unwavering dedication to nurturing art careers. We’re a distinguished non-profit entity entirely dedicated to advancing charitable causes, holding the esteemed recognition of tax exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our operations are overseen meticulously by both the IRS and the State of Texas, where we are established under File Number 803285823.With an openness to various forms of support, including cash, securities, and non-financial assets, we stand as a receptacle for contributions that resonate with the spirit of artistic generosity. The generous donations directed towards our foundation might offer the donor potential tax benefits during their lifetime, while also providing the added advantage of reducing the tax implications on their estate.

What We Do

“We help our donors fulfill their missions through a collaborative, consultative approach to prudent investment management, as well as sound governance, resource development, strategic planning, and grant-making. We serve individual artists and artist-endowed investors, for whom the artists’ creative legacy and philanthropic vision are of strategic interest. Whether these artists are funded with the proceeds from the sale of artwork or other assets, we support our donors by assisting with the investment management of philanthropic capital.”

In the Superstar Art Foundation, our mission is to encourage all forms of art that contribute to the promotion of humanities, women’s rights, children’s protection, animal protection, world peace, family love, and care. Additionally, we provide support for artists to enhance their expertise in their careers and fund their projects through our non-profit programs.


The Superstar Academy program is a one-month training program exclusively designed by SAF for young artists. We collaborate closely with art academies and professionals to offer innovative training programs that empower young artists and provide them with the necessary support. We also establish partnerships with art studios to provide valuable internship opportunities. Furthermore, we invite accomplished artists to participate in online art experience sharing through various social media platforms.

To recognize and reward excellence, we allocate a specific budget for Superstar Scholarships and training classes. These opportunities are granted to students who demonstrate exceptional performance in their respective classes. Both aspiring artists and potential sponsors are encouraged to apply for these scholarships and internships. Moreover, members who actively contribute to our foundation’s non-profit endeavors have the chance to participate in the prestigious annual nomination process for the Superstar Award.

Superstar Club

Superstar Club community offers a supportive network, professional development, collaboration prospects, exposure, and access to valuable resources. It creates a platform for artists to thrive, grow, and make meaningful connections within the art industry.

Advantages of Superstar Club Membership:

  1. Networking opportunities
  2. Exclusive events and exhibitions
  3. Professional development
  4. Collaboration opportunities
  5. Support and mentorship
  6. Exposure and promotion
  7. Access to resources and opportunities

Contact Us

We welcome you to reach out to us for further information, whether it’s to secure a spot in an upcoming class or activity or to inquire about potential sponsorship opportunities.


Phone: +1 (555) 123-4567


© 2024 Superstar Art Foundation. All rights reserved.

Movie “Blooming Sisters” received Best Actress/Director Award at Oscar Luxury Gala

Updated: 11 hours ago

The Oscar Viewing Luxury Gala was successfully held at the Universal Hilton Hotel on March 10th, 2024. Up to 1000 filmmakers, artists, and celebrities attended this wonderful event to celebrate the Oscar award ceremony.


Representing the Superstar Art Foundation, the movie “Blooming Sisters” had a screening premiere at the gala. Director and actress May Liu received the Best Actress/Director award at the gala, while media producer Daisuke Tarutani received the Best Peace Activist award issued by the organizer.


Director May Liu accepted a media interview, expressing her gratitude to her team for helping her complete the “impossible mission” of creating the film. She dedicated the award to her team, stating, “Without you, this movie wouldn’t have happened, so this award is for all of you. Thank you!”

Members of the “Blooming Sisters” production crew, including Jason Chou, Kathy Gu, Vivianna Wang, Selina Han, Anna Xiong, and Kellie Mi, also attended the gala.

Additionally, boutique royal robes from the Han dynasty were demonstrated at the event, emperor Liu Bang (modeled by: Jason Chou) and Queen LV (modeled by: May liu) attracted much attention from the media and audiences.



代表超星艺术基金会,电影《花开姐妹》在晚会上举行了首映式,导演和女演员May Liu在晚会上获得了最佳演员/导演奖,媒体制片人Daisuke Tarutani大介获得了组织者颁发的最佳和平活动家奖。导演 May Liu接受了媒体采访,她说:“这部电影献给所有在逆境中成长的女性。我非常感谢我的团队,他们帮助我完成了这个不可能的任务,没有你们,这部电影就不会诞生,所以这个奖项是给你们所有人的,谢谢!”

电影《花开姐妹》制作团队Jason Chou、Kathy Gu、Vivianna Wang、Selina Han、Anna Xiong、Kellie Mi 参加了这次盛大活动。汉朝精品皇家长袍也在晚会上展示,刘邦(Jason Chou饰)和吕后(May liu饰)吸引了媒体和观众的极大兴趣和关注!



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World Fashion Media News Magazine:

Dr. Meleeka Clary: Multifaceted Talent and Award-Winning Director

Welcome to the world of Dr. Meleeka Clary, a multi-talented American clinical psychologist, paralegal, model, actor, and the visionary director behind the critically acclaimed film “Three Corners of Deception.

About Dr. Meleeka Clary

Dr. Meleeka Clary, born on October 14, 1973, in Boston, Massachusetts, is a versatile artist with a diverse range of accomplishments. Her journey has been marked by a series of accolades and awards, including the prestigious title of “Best Human Rights Director” at the Toronto International Women’s Film Festival, underscoring her commitment to impactful storytelling.

Entertainment Career

Dr. Meleeka’s foray into the world of entertainment began at a young age. Her early involvement in theater and performance set the stage for her future success. Notably, she performed in a Franklin Park Young and Youths Organization fashion show and recited dramatic poems as a child. Her talent was evident when, at 13, a director cast her as Harriet Tubman in a middle school play.

Throughout the years, Dr. Meleeka honed her skills at Vicki’s School of Dancing and Acting, participating in acting shows, commercial advertisements, and fashion shows. Her involvement in community-driven initiatives, such as Wipe Out Drug Abuse (WODA) and Black Essence, demonstrated her commitment to addressing social issues through her craft. She even took on the lead role in an original play, “When Your Sons Don’t Come Home And Why Me.”

Dr. Meleeka’s commitment extended beyond the stage, as she appeared on TV shows, contributing her voice to dialogue and public service announcements against teenage pregnancy. Her acting career blossomed further when she appeared in productions like “Dr. Bird’s Advice for Sad Poets” and popular TV shows like “Greenleaf,” “Nashville,” and “The Resident.”

In 2021, Dr. Meleeka Clary ventured into the director’s chair, marking her directorial debut with “Three Corners of Deception.” This compelling film is based on her personal experience of a divorce and custody battle, a deeply personal and poignant project that showcases her storytelling prowess.

Acclaim and Awards

Dr. Meleeka Clary’s creative endeavors have garnered recognition and acclaim, notably for “Three Corners of Deception.” Her achievements include:

  • Best Human Rights Director at the Toronto International Women Film Festival.
  • Best Female Director at the Toronto International Women Film Festival.
  • Best Female Director at the San Francisco Indie Short Festival.
  • Best Actress at the Festival Award at Global Film Festival LA.
  • Director honors at the Red River Film Festival.

Moreover, “Three Corners of Deception” was screened at esteemed film festivals such as the Berlin International Art Film Festival, where it received acclaim. It was also recognized as the Best Feature Film at the Paris International Women Festival, the Festival Award at the Medusa Film Festival, the Indian Indie Award, and the Festival Award at Global Film Festival LA.

Dr. Meleeka Clary’s remarkable journey in both psychology and the world of entertainment is a testament to her unwavering dedication to her craft and her commitment to addressing important social issues through her work.

Join us in celebrating the diverse talents and profound impact of Dr. Meleeka Clary, a true luminary in her fields of expertise.



Three Corners of Deception

“Three Corners of Deception” is a story about how a college law professor and an attorney fell in love over a Las Vegas Memorial Day weekend. They got married shortly thereafter, then started a family only to realize he wasn’t the man he said he was and a complete manipulation of the relationship occurred. The marriage ended hastily after a year, only to be carried out in a court of law that brought even more deception than what was originally thought. Eventually the court would rule against the mother in all areas due to judicial deception with judges, lawyers, and lawmen involved. They were part of the “good ol’ boy network.




Dr. Meleeka Clary and her revolutionary win at the Luxury Gala

There are a few professionals who only put in rigorous efforts to attain their personal goals, but a few rare gems see the larger picture and work toward fulfilling a bigger purpose in life. This quality has often led them to the forefront of their industry, making them influential personalities for the world to take inspiration from. Who better than Dr. Meleeka Clary to serve as an example here?
Dr. Meleeka Clary’s journey to success is not just a conventional story; it is much more than that, driven by challenges, a lot of patience and perseverance, and a determined mind with a powerful purpose to impact lives one day at a time through her work. She is not just an American clinical psychologist, paralegal, actor, model, and filmmaker but also an inspiring woman who immersed herself in everything she ever chose to do in her career, only to impact lives through counseling and psychology or filmmaking positively.
Receiving the recent “Best Actress Award” for her romantic-thriller film, “Three Corners of Deception,” at the Luxury Gala during the screenings of the Oscars adds another feather to her creative hat. Recalling the prestigious honor, she says, “It was a night full of glitz and glamor, and getting recognized amongst stalwarts of the entertainment world has only filled my heart more with gratitude. This is a significant milestone in my life, from being a clinical psychologist to becoming an award-winning director and actor.”
The event not only celebrated Dr. Clary’s achievements but also showcased other incredible shows like Fashion Shows, Music & Dance Performances, Silent Auction, Live Music, Award ceremonies, Entertainment, and so much more. Dr. Meleeka Clary’s name on this prestigious list is a testament to her outstanding performing and filmmaking talent.
William Garth, receiving the Best Cinematographer award for the film, made “Three Corners of Deception” a highly acclaimed and recognized film at the much-talked-about luxury gala. Winning this big at the prestigious event, Dr. Meleeka Clary couldn’t control her excitement and shared on Instagram about the fun she had with her family and friends while accepting the award for the best actress. She also shared her happiness about Will Garth winning the best cinematography award for her film at the Luxury Gala during the screenings of the Oscars, and in the end, thanked the almighty.
The recognition garnered at the Luxury Gala 2024 not only acknowledges Dr. Meleeka Clary’s talent but also serves as a testament to her dedication and perseverance in the industry. As she continues to make strides in her career, she remains an inspiration to aspiring filmmakers, actors, and professionals worldwide.

Douglas Vermeeren

Douglas Vermeeren began his acting career as a young boy in the second grade. His first acting job was on a television program for CBC in Canada. Since then he has acted and performed stunts in a variety of Hollywood and Independent films and Television shows. Vermeeren was also recognized with the BEST ACTOR AWARD for his work in several feature films in 2022 and 2023. And BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR at the Hollywood Blood Film Festival for his work in Tenants.

Prepare to witness an extraordinary moment at Luxury Gala 2024 as we honor the remarkable Douglas Vermeeren. Renowned for his stellar performance, Douglas is set to receive the prestigious “Best Actor” award for his role in the compelling movie, “Jackknife.” Join us in celebrating his exceptional talent and cinematic achievements on the grand stage of Luxury Gala 2024. It’s an accolade well-deserved, and we invite you to be part of this unforgettable recognition.






Saul Maxwell

Awarded as: Best International Coach Healer

Saul Maxwell is well-known for spiritual healing and his psychic ability. He is a celebrity psychic, life coach, and a meditation master.  

Saul Maxwell is a renowned spiritual healer and an accomplished psychic, who has earned his reputation through years of dedicated practice and study. With his diverse skillset, he has become a celebrity psychic, sought after for his ability to provide guidance and insights into the lives of his clients.

As a life coach, he has helped many people overcome personal obstacles and achieve their goals by imparting the wisdom he has gained through his own experiences and his ancestors. He is also a meditation master, teaching individuals the art of mindfulness and the benefits of incorporating meditation into their daily routine.


He is excellent at Tarot card reading and his healing methods are amazing. 

One of Saul’s most remarkable abilities is his expertise in Tarot card reading. Through his intuitive understanding of the symbolism and meaning behind each card, he is able to provide deep insights and understanding to his clients, helping them gain clarity and direction in their lives.

Saul’s healing methods are equally impressive, with his use of Reiki standing out as particularly notable. Reiki is a type of alternative medicine that involves hands-on healing through which universal energy is transferred from the healer to the patient’s hands. This gentle and non-invasive technique has been shown to promote emotional and physical healing, with patients often experiencing a sense of calm and relaxation during and after the treatment.

Overall, Saul Maxwell’s exceptional skillset, combined with his genuine compassion and dedication to his clients, make him an outstanding figure in the world of spiritual healing and psychic abilities.

He uses Reiki as a method of healing, a type of alternative medicine. He uses hands-on healing through which universal energy is transferred from the healer to the patients hands. This is known to promote emotional and physical healing.

In addition to his impressive career as a spiritual healer and psychic, Saul Maxwell is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He is a strong advocate for helping those in need, especially children who are suffering from poverty, illness, or other challenges.

Saul is actively involved in supporting various children’s organizations, including his own organization, “Children International Charity.” This  organization is dedicated to providing basic necessities to underprivileged children in developing countries.

Through this charity, Saul has made a significant impact in the lives of countless children. He has helped to offer food and other vital resources to those in need.

Saul’s dedication to philanthropy reflects his deep sense of compassion and desire to make a positive impact in the world. His efforts have not only improved the lives of those he has directly helped but have also inspired others to join in the cause of helping those in need.


instagram: saulmaxwellofficial



Zzeina Rajjoub

Meet Zzeina, a 20-year-old aspiring Singer-Songwriter with a unique blend of Middle Eastern and Latin influences. Born of Syrian and Bulgarian heritage, she spent her formative years in Dubai before relocating to California, where she embarked on a journey to elevate her music career. Zzeina‘s multicultural background and global experiences have shaped her distinctive sound.

With Arabic as her first language and fluency in Spanish, Zzeina is passionate about creating Latin-inspired music. Her musical journey began during her teenage years, gradually honing her craft. A significant milestone came when she was accepted into the prestigious Bel Canto Choir.

Zzeina‘s music is a reflection of her cultural roots, a fusion of the Middle East and the United States. In 2023, she is set to release her debut single, “Let’s Wait Awhile,” a unique cover originally performed by Janet Jackson. This captivating track will be available on all major digital platforms on September 22nd, accompanied by the official music video on September 21st.

Under the mentorship of American Award-winning Grammy-nominated songwriter-producer Dawn Elder, Zzeina is gearing up for her first EP album, expected to grace our ears in the summer of 2024. Together, they are crafting a musical journey that promises to be as diverse and vibrant as the artist herself. Stay tuned for the remarkable musical odyssey that Zzeina is about to embark on.





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